However, I did use my 54 for over a year and 2000 shots before the first tune, and then again for another 1500 shots before the most recent tunes, and so I know what a stock 54 feels like (I bought the tx200 used, already Maccari tuned). These air rifles are at the top echelon for ... About 85% of my shooting is indoor 10 meter (sitting), 10% is 20-45 yard rat/crow/squirrel sniping, and 5% is at over 45 yards when I am fortunate enough to get a vacation. 1.) Trigger. ...
Il 13 novembre ? stata inaugurata la retrospettiva che la cittadina di Fucecchio, in provincia di Firenze, dedica al senese Mino Maccari (1898-1989), artista poliedrico del panorama culturale italiano del Novecento: Maccari? stato intellettuale, ... Bene, ma ricordatevi che se gi? state facendo la valigia per il ponte dell'8 dicembre a Firenze fareste bene ad affrettarvi anche a prenotare hotel a Firenze, visto che la Festa dell'Immacolata si avvicina a passi da gigante! ...
Barrington Partners ( is pleased to announce its news partnership with husband-wife real estate duo Craig Gifford and Joanne Maccari to provide exclusive Florida real estate in the Crystal River development .... In the mid 1980's, most vacationers who took advantage of the Myrtle Beach golf discounts found it necessary to be confined in a hotel or motel room for their lodging. In today's modern golfing market there has been a tremendous swing ...